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Petra Rajkovic Vuletic1,2, Paula Matijasevic1,2, Vladimir Pavlinovic1

1University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia
2University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia

Is the PAQ-C a Valid Measurement Tool for Evaluating Physical Activity Levels in Rural Children? Cross-Sectional Study in Southern Croatia

Sport Mont 2025, 23(1), 85-91 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.250213


The physical activity level (PAL) of rural children has rarely been studied, especially considering the validity of measurement tools used for the evaluation of PAL. The aim of this study was to evaluate the criterion validity of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) in rural children from Croatia by comparing the data obtained via the PAQ-C to those recorded via direct measurement via accelerometers. The participants were 47 children from rural regions in southern Croatia who were simultaneously tested on the PAL directly, via GENEActiv triaxial accelerometers, and indirectly, via the PAQ-C. Gender-stratified Pearson’s correlations and multiple regressions were calculated to evaluate associations between variables, whereas a t test was used to determine differences between genders in the study variables. Associations between direct and indirect measurements were weak (boys: R=0.08–0.29, p>0.05; girls: R=0.04–0.35, p>0.05). Boys had higher directly measured vigorous PAL (t test = 3.22, p<0.05) and PAQ-C (t test =2.04, p 0.05). The results revealed poor criterion validity of the PAQ-C in rural children. Therefore, more comprehensive and context-specific assessment indirect measurement tools that capture the diverse range of activities common in rural settings are needed.


prepuberty, school, living environment, type of physical activity, multiple regression

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