Mariya Sybil1, Bohdan Vynogradskyi2, Fedir Zahura2, Marta Bura3, Tetiana Matviichuk4, Liliia Hula2, Olha Pazychuk1
1Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Faculty of Therapy and Rehabilitation, Lviv, Ukraine
2Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Lviv, Ukraine
3Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Biology, Lviv, Ukraine
4Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Faculty of Postgraduate and Correspondence Education, Lviv, Ukraine
Biochemical Marker of the Monitoring of the Archer's Psychological Auto-Training
Sport Mont 2025, 23(1), 65-71 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.250210
This study aimed to assess perfecting the archers’ psychological readiness under different psychological conditions using biochemical methods of controlling urine metabolites. The athletes (5 archery masters and 11 candidates for sport masters; 19.87±0.24 years) random separated into two groups: a control (8 males, 19.87±0.29 years; according to the protocol) and an experimental user group (8 males, 19.87±0.39 years; in addition, used an auto-training technique). The subjects of the biochemical monitoring were lactate and urea in the isolated urine samples (pre- and post-training) during shooting training (Meeting) and official competitions (Competition). The use of 2 months of auto-training techniques by the experimental group archers significantly reduced the lactate concentration (9.7±0.4%; p˂0.05) in the urine at the stage of official competitions, but not urea concentrations, compared to the control group. At the meeting stage, the utilization of the auto-training technique to contribute to changes in lactate excretion was insignificant, and at the Competition stage it was 21.4% (p˂0.05). The auto- training technique does not significantly affect lactate and urea levels in the urine pre-training in both studied psychological states. However, as the psychological load increased at the Competition stage, the application of the auto-training technique led to a significant reduction in lactate concentration in the archers’ urine compared to the control group. Unlike lactate, we cannot recommend urea as a marker for assessing the psychological state, but only as an indicator of the archers’ fatigue.
lactate, urea, auto-training, archers, physical and psychological loadings
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