Dragana Petrović1, Dušan Nikolić1, Igor Jelaska2, Aleksandra Janković1, Stevan Stamenković3, Stefan Đorđević3, Maša Antonijević3, Borko Katanic4, Goran Jelaska5, Mima Stankovic3
1Academy of Vocational Studies Southern Serbia, Department of the College of Teachers Bujanovac, Bujanovac, Serbia
2University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia
3University of Nis, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Nis, Serbia
4Montenergin Sports Academy, Podgorica, Montenegro
5Virovitica County Hospital, Virovitica, Croatia
Obesity of Preschool Children and Parents' Socioeconomic Status
Sport Mont 2025, 23(1), 51-58 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.250208
Obesity in preschool children is on the rise. There is evidence that childhood obesity is higher among children with low-income parents and that the family plays a significant role in shaping children's eating behavior. The aim of this research was to determine whether overweight and obesity of preschool children depends on the social and economic status of their parents. The sample of participants consisted of preschool children and their parents. A total of 393 children participated, of which 205 boys (52.2%) and 188 girls (47.8%) aged 1 to 7 years. In order to determine weight status, the children's body weight and height were measured, on the basis of which the Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. The obtained BMI values were interpreted based on the recommendations given by the WHO. Therefore, children were classified into four different categories of weight: underweight, normal weight, overweight and obesity. The socioeconomic status of parents was assessed through a survey containing psycho-socioeconomic 16 items. The results show that there is no difference in socioeconomic parameters between parents who belong to different groups depending on the weight status of their children. Also, Chi-square test shows that there is no association between socioeconomic status with weight status of children. The only association exists between the residential and weight status of preschool children. These findings highlight the need for further research to explore the role of the environment and other potential socio-economic factors in the development of childhood obesity.
overweight, obesity, preschoolers, socio-economic status of parents, life satisfaction
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