Merve Nur Yasar1, Murat Cilli 1, Fahri Safa Cinarli2, Samet Sakabas1, Murat Guvenkaya1, Usame Oztoprak1
1Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Coaching Education, Sakarya, Turkey
2Inonu University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Department of Coaching Education, Malatya, Turkey
The Association Between Heart Rate and Shooting Accuracy in Young Football Players
Sport Mont 2025, 23(1), 31-36 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.250205
This study aimed to examine the accuracy of shots taken at various heart rate (HR) percentages resulting from increasing workload. Twenty-one male football players (age: 21.7 years) in amateur teams participated in the study. Athletes were asked to shoot at the center of the prepared target ten meters away before the test and at each level of the progressively increasing intensity exercise protocol (Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1)). At the end of each level, the distance of the shots to the center of the target and the areas of contact with the target was determined. During the test, HR was monitored and percentages of maximum HR (%HRmax) at each level were determined. The distance to the target and contact zones of the shots were compared depending on different percentages of %HRmax. It was observed that the increased HR due to the increased workload negatively affected the accuracy of the shots. In particular, the accuracy rate decreased significantly after 80% of the maximum HR compared with the resting HR (47-82%). Additionally, it was observed that the percentage of balls directed to the upper right corner increased as HR rose, with no shots targeting the center after the third level of Yo-Yo IR1 (%HRmax=~80%). Therefore, it can be concluded that a high HR impairs football accuracy. Consequently, football players should engage in workouts that enhance their ability to perform at a high HR, and coaches should design training programs in this vein.
football, heart rate, kinematic, shooting accuracy, performance analysis, physiological responses
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