Dear Readers,
Sport Mont was founded in 2003 and has a fairly long tradition. To this day, more than 1,400 scientific papers of researches from all continents have been published in it. These are mostly papers presented at the scientific conferences of the Montenegrin Sports Academy, which are traditionally held every year at the end of March or early April.
In 2016, the site of the journal was redesigned and a milestone was made, from which the journal will continue to grow and develop faster. Namely, the instructions for authors, design and structure were reformed and the decision to publish the journal three times a year (on February, June and October) with 10 papers each was made. Since that year, the editorial board has been strengthened, and this will be done continuously so the journal would grow constantly. Today, Sport Mont is indexed into twenty three international databases, of which the most significant is Scopus, and it must be pointed out that, at the moment, it is also passing through the evaluation process in the Web of Science database, and this process will be completed very soon.
Since 2017, a journal cover page got a new logo. For the first time, each scientific paper has got a recognizable DOI number. Now, the magazine has two editor-in-chiefs, together with professor Dusko Bjelica who is performing this function from the very beginning, Professor Zoran Milosevic has been promoted. A new and modern design of PDF papers has been done for the February issue of 2018, and since June issue of 2018 the Editorial Board has reached the decision to publish 20 papers per issue. Significant changes were made on the Sport Mont website. The last 20 published papers, which so far could only be found in the site archive, from now on will be contained at the home page of the site. Also, the statistic of the journal was introduced, where the latest statistical indicators can be viewed. The system of downloading papers in PDF format has also been redesigned; bar codes for each paper, citation data and number of downloaded papers have been introduced. Also, under each paper a discussion forum was introduced, where readers can post t heir comments and suggestions that can improve the quality of the journal.
We thank all readers of Sport Mont and we are confident that this latest edition will be informative enough.
Prof. Dusko Bjelica, PhD
Prof. Zoran Milosevic, PhD
Current Issue
Original Scientific Paper
Assessing Personal Experiences and Preferences in Physical Exercise for Multiple Sclerosis
Barbara Kovacevic, Barbara Gilic, Nataša Zenić
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 3-9
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241001
Original Scientific Paper
Relationship between Hand-Eye Coordination and Hand Grip Strength in Elite Taekwondo Athletes
Rami Hammad, Layale Youssef, Saleh Hammad, Jason Neva, Amro Abu Baker, Philippe Noirez, Ibrahim M Dabayebeh, Haidar Djemai
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 11-15
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241002
Original Scientific Paper
Pia Lucija Rotar, Ziga Kozinc, Borko Katanic
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 17-24
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241003
Original Scientific Paper
Innovation, Validity, and Reliability of Modified Dynamic Balance Test for Karate Kata Category
Wedi S, Tomoliyus, Fauzi, Andri Gemaini, Trisnar Adi Prabowo
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 25-30
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241004
Original Scientific Paper
Motivation for Physical Education in Students Aged 12 to 15 – Structure Analysis
Tonci Bavcevic, Boris Milavić, Damir Bavčević
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 31-36
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241005
Original Scientific Paper
The Effect of Neuromuscular Warm-up on Muscle Contractility of Elite Female Football Players
Frederika Pajonková, Rút Lenková, Jaroslav Sučka, Monika Vašková
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 37-42
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241006
Original Scientific Paper
Family Social Capital as a Predictor of Adolescent Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Franjo Rozijan, Filip Sinković, Dario Novak
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 43-46
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241007
Original Scientific Paper
Dietary Supplementation in Competitive Swimming: Analysis of Prevalence and Gender-Differences
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 47-53
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241008
Original Scientific Paper
Borko Katanic, Dusko Bjelica, Mima Stankovic, Jovan Vukovic, Zoran Milosevic, Dušan Đorđević, Mijo Curic
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 55-60
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241009
Original Scientific Paper
Assessing the Knowledge Level of Karate Coaches Regarding Physical Training Modalities
Saleh Hammad, Abdelhafez Alnawayseh, Amer Alshaar, Rami Hammad, Haidar Djemai
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 67-73
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241011
Original Scientific Paper
Differences in the Speed and Power of Elite U12 and U13 Croatian Soccer Players
Luka Mikić, Jakov Marasović, Ante Rađa, Marko Erceg, Hrvoje Sivrić
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 75-80
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241012
Original Scientific Paper
Emin Mujezinović, Fuad Babajić, Edin Uzicanin, Vladimir Pavlinovic, Sime Versic
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 81-84
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241013
Original Scientific Paper
Enver Tahiraj, Damir Sekulic, Jelena Rodek
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 85-91
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241014
Original Scientific Paper
Exercise in the Workplace: A Qualitative-Quantitative Study of Enjoyment
Giuseppe Giardullo, Rosario Ceruso, Giuseppe Penna, Sara Aliberti
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 93-98
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241015
Original Scientific Paper
Trisha Ghosh, Chamundeeswari Duraipandian, Soumya Joseph, Basavaraj Kumasi, Nirmal Michael Salvi, Masilamani Elayaraja, Yuni Astuti, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Debajit Karmakar, Karuppasamy Govindasamy
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 99-105
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241016
Original Scientific Paper
Dušan Nikolić, Aleksandar Gažić, Stefan Djordjević, Stevan Stamenković, Maša Antonijević, Borko Katanic
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 107-114
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241017
Original Scientific Paper
Fidanka Vasileva, Serjoza Gontarev, Anna Prats-Puig, Raquel Font-Lladó, Angjel Vasilev, Víctor López-Ros, Dusko Bjelica, Aldijana Nokic, Georgi Georgiev
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 115-119
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241018
Original Scientific Paper
The Effect of Sports Activities on Stress Resilience in Students at Vietnam National University
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 121-126
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241019
Original Scientific Paper
Parveen Kumar, Nitin Sehgal, Dilbag Singh, Dilpreet Kaur, Masilamani Elayaraja, Satheeshkumar Palanivel, Yuni Astuti, Bekir Erhan Orhan, Ibnu Noufal Kambitta Valappil, Karuppasamy Govindasamy
Sport Mont 2024, 22( 3), 127-135
DOI: 10.26773/smj.241020