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Lulzim Ibri1, Sylejman Shala2

1Sector of sport in the Municipality of Prizren
2Prishtina University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport


Sport Mont 2013, XI(37-38-39), 554-560


In sample from 80 young judo athletes aged from 16-17 year, was applied the system a total of 18 variables, of which 10 are morphologic characteristic and 8 motoric abilities variables, with a purpose to determinate mutual report between each other, while the information were analyzed by using canonical correlation analysis. With case of authentication statistically important relation was achieve one pair of canonical correlations statistically important. In morphologic variables field the canonical factor is interpreted in first canonical structure is the consists of variables: adipose tissue under skin of stomach (ATST), adipose tissue under skin of triceps (ATTR), adipose tissue under skin of biceps (ATBI), adipose tissue under skin of sub scapulars (ATSS), adipose tissue under skin of sub iliac a (ATSI) and adipose tissue under skin of list (ATSL), so that is interpreted as a canonical factor of adipose tissue: And second structure of canonical factors of anthropometric characteristics is the consists of variables: body length: body length (LEBO), length of the leg (LELE) and length of the arm (LEAR), so that is interpreted as a canonical factor of longitudinal dimensionality. The first structure of canonical factors in motoric variables is can not be interpreted because of low values of motor variables, while second structure of canonical factors of motoric abilities is the consists of variables: squeeze palm (SQPA), so that is interpreted as a canonical factor of strong factor in palm. Based on structure analysis of matrix results of canonical factors results were shown that to young judo athletes of this age exist statistically valid correlations between canonical factor of anthropometric variables and canonical factor of variables to motoric abilities which is (Rc=77) that is statistically valid in level (P=00).


canonical analysis morphologic characteristic, motoric abilities, relations, young judo athletes

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