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Marija Joksimovic1, Vukosav Joksimovic1

1Dom zdravlja Berane

Physical Activity of Children from Town Areas


Sport Mont 2007, V(12-13-14), 273-275


Introduction: Physical activity is indispensable for normal physical, mental and social development of children. Insuffi cient physical activity is connected to increased frequency of a range of chronic non-contagious diseases occurring in the adult age (hypertension, diabetes and some form of carcinoma). Aim of Paper: It is to establish to what extent physical activity is represented as to school children. Material and Method: By using the method of conducting a poll among 200 children (100 girls and 100 boys, the age of 10, 14 and 18 from the area of Berane) it has been established to what extent physical activity is present among town area children. Results and Discussion: 48% of children aged 10 is physically active, 38% of chil dren aged 14 and only 25% of children aged 18. 56% of children spend 1-2 hours watching TV and 69% of children spend 2-3 hours in front ofPCs and playing games. Conclusion: Physical activity of children in our town area is insuffi cient and it is decreasing with the age. It is necessary to design a national program aimed at increasing physical activity of children


children, physical activity, town, poll, national program...

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