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Miroslav Femic1, Saveta Stanisic2

1Dom zdravlja Bijelo Polje
2Dom zdravlja Berane



Sport Mont 2006, IV(10-11), 181-187


Introduction: A sudden death is defined as a sudden cessation of heart work which happens within six hours, revionsly of good helth(1). The main characteristio of this phenomenon is tipically its beginning during or directly after a training or a competition which means after an intensive physical effort a causal factor. The first case of a sudden death because of physical effort was recorded in ancient 490 BC when a Greec called Pheidippides was running from Marathon Feild to Athens (42km) to announce the news about the victory of the Athenians over the Persians. That is howa long distance runners discipline was defined in sport and got its name marathon. In medicine it is defined as an entity of a sudden death of sportsmen after an intensive physical effort which is nowdays a current problem and an object of varions researches in medicine as well as in sports medicine of sports experts. A method of work: The authors published the statistic data processing obtained from accessible literature. The statistical analysis processes: a cause of a death on the basis of an autophsy, a frequency of the death in general population and death of sportsmen those under the age of 35 and over 35 (sportsmen and sportswotren), sort of sports the dead went in for, comparasion of them and giving conclusions and measures of prevention. Here we think about a big importance of sistematic checkup of the sportsmen, use and misuse of incriminated stimulants, the infuence of genetics in families of the sportsmen with heart diseases.The aim of work is to point to and warn of more and more frequent cases of sudden death of sportsmen and that it isn t drawn a moral from that:there are clubs and parents who still don t do the obligation to take their members and children to a sistematic checkup regularily. A systematic checkup should include all searches which would point out a negative influence of intensive physical effort (training, matches) on heath. Those tests are also stress tests, ultrasound of heart etc. Conclusion: It is compulsory to do the detailed systematic checkup of children, young people, sportsmen to prevent more and more frequent death on sports field becase health is more important than any sport resultor sport profit.


sport, intensive physical effort, sudden death of sportsmen.

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