Ognjen Jovovic1, Maja Djurovic1, Anja Jovovic1
1NVO „Zavičaj“ Danilovgrad
Sport Mont 2010, VII(21-22), 290-299
Basic for realization of tourist movements lays in meeting cultural and recreational
needs of potential customers. If we know that largest number of tourists represents
part of recreational ones, than is not hard to realize how large potential lays in
that number of potential guests.
On this fact should be built strategy of movement of tourist offer of Montenegro
for it extreme potentials on which can be founded concrete project. In this work are given
basic assumptions for development of sport recreational shapes of tourism with
stress to natural potentials that directly determine shape of sport recreational activities
that represent basis of tourist offer. Offer should be created in that way that it is adapted
to wide segment of recreational guests and not professional sportsmen, although
they also should not be underestimated but one should know that in order to create
conditions for arrival of sports professionals offer has to be completely different and
more specialized that requires creating of conditions of existence of highly developed
sports infrastructure, while for amateurs a lot can be done in “system of improvising”,
satisfying basic criteria – recreation in conditions of untouched and well preserved nature
with securing maximal level of security and protection of guests, in order to prevent
possible unwilling consequences that can lead to injury of guests and for development
and realization of such project one need a much less funds than is building of facilities
that should meet standards of professional sportsmen.
The aim is to create good offer at good infrastructure, logistics and with good
equipment with securing maximal security, adaptation to various wishes of guests, taking
in consideration their structure is conditioned by age, health condition, physical
fitness as personal wishes toward sports and recreational activities. tourist needs, sports recreational tourism, untouched and preserved
nature, safety of guests, development
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