Borko Katanic1, Dusko Bjelica2, Amel Mekic3, Tomislav Kristicevic4, Mijo Curic5, Mima Stankovic6
1Montenegrin Sports Academy, Podgorica, Montenegro
2University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro
3University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
4University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia
5Josip Juraj Strossmayer University, Faculty of Kinesiology, Osijek, Croatia
6University of Nis, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Nis, Serbia
Comparison of Anthropometric Characteristics and Body Composition between Professional Montenegrin Footballers and Karatekas
Sport Mont 2025, 23(1), 79-83 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.250212
It has been established that athletes must maintain an optimal level of anthropometric characteristics in accordance with the demands of their specific sport. Recent studies have examined the anthropometric characteristics and body composition of footballers compared to athletes from other sports; however, no study has included karate athletes. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to examine the differences in anthropometric characteristics and body composition between professional footballers and karatekas. This study included 34 professional male athletes from Montenegro, categorized into two groups: football players (n=19, 20.74±4.32 years) and karate athletes (n=15, 20.47±4.91 years). The anthropometric characteristics and body composition of football players were assessed by a battery of 11 variables: body height (BH), body mass (BM), triceps skinfold (TS), biceps skinfold (BS), subscapular skinfold (SS), abdominal skinfold (AS), front thigh skinfold (FS), medial calf skinfold (MS), body mass index (BMI), fat percentage (FP), and muscle mass (MM). Based on an independent t-test it was determined that there are no significant differences between football players and karate athletes in any anthropometric characteristics and body composition parameters. This finding suggests that, despite the differing demands of these sports, both are performed at a professional level, which requires an optimal balance of anthropometric traits—characterized by a lower body fat percentage and greater muscle mass—essential for both disciplines. Further research is needed, particularly through segmental body composition analysis, to provide more detailed insights into the physique of football players and karate athletes.
morphological characteristics, body fat, muscle mass, soccer players, karate athletes
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