1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
The Effect of 32-Week Football Training on Body Mass Index and Motor Performances of Male Children Aged 8-10
Sport Mont 2025, 23(1), Ahead of Print | DOI: 10.26773/smj.250207
This study examined the effects of a 32-week football training program on body mass index (BMI) and motor performances, including sprinting, vertical jump, and flexibility, in male children aged 8-10. The study, modeled according to the survey design, utilized convenience sampling. The study included 55 children (aged 9.03±0.81 years) divided into three groups based on age: 8 years (n=17, BMI=17.55±1.09), 9 years (n=9, BMI=17.96±1.62), and 10 years (n=19, BMI=18.04±1.52). Data were collected in three phases: pre-test, mid-test (after 16 weeks), and post-test (after 32 weeks), using BMI, 20-m sprint, vertical jump, and sit and reach flexibility tests. A Mixed-Model ANOVA was used for repeated measures, and Post-hoc Tukey tests were employed to analyze differences between measurements. The results showed no significant differences between age groups in BMI, flexibility, and vertical jump (p>.05), except for a significant difference in sprint times between the 8- and 9-year-olds (p<.05). Within-group analyses revealed significant improvements in all motor performances across the training period for all age groups, except for BMI in the 9-year-olds (p<.05). In conclusion, it can be suggested that long-term football training programs based on scientific methods not only enhance physical attributes but also improve motor performances in children during the specialized movement phase. Moreover, it is recommended that opportunities be provided for children to participate in football training, and that football academies conduct regular tests to assess and measure the motor performances of their students.
anthropometric measurement, children, motor abilities, soccer training
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