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Marta Bon1, Tomaz Cater2, Mojca Doupona1

1Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana


Sport Mont 2012, X(34-35-36), 27-33


The purpose of the study was to analyse the situation in Slovenian women’s handball with the use of theoretical findings from the area of strategic sports management. Two poles of functioning are basic characteristic of Slovenian handball. One pole is the only professional women’s team– RK Krim Mercator. Club was twice the winner of Champions League (2001 and 2003). Second pole are “all other” women’s clubs in Slovenia. The basic methodological tool used was SWOT analysis; whereas methods of description and comparison have been mostly used within the theoretical part of the study. A purpose is to contribute to fulfilling a goal of reinstating Slovenian women’s handball among the ten best European national teams. One club belongs to professional, well organised club in Europe (budget cca 1,4 mio €; 7 -10 training s./week ), on other hand are clubs which face large problems and are financially inept (budget from 150000 to 200000€; 3 – 5 training s./week ). Majority of clubs do not have sufficient financial resources for all the costs of competitions and consequently the possibilities for the progress of players and clubs. Cooperation and synergy between subjects in Slovenian handball is missing. In general, it can be concluded that strategic management will have to be introduced at all levels of Slovenian women’s handball. It is generally thought that there are considerable reserves in organisation and work of clubs and the management of national governing body. Temporary, to make a progress, handball sport in Slovenia needs clear vision. The strongest weakness is probably the absence of competent knowledge of management and marketing. Key words: women’s handball, club, SWOT analysis, strategic management


women’s handball, club, SWOT analysis, strategic management

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