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Giuseppe Giardullo1,2, Rosario Ceruso1,3, Giuseppe Penna4, Sara Aliberti2

1University of Pegaso, Faculty of Motor Sciences, Department Nutrition, Wellness and Sport, Naples, Italy
2Department of Human, Faculty of motor sciences, Philosophical and Education Sciences, University of Salerno, Italy
3University of Verona, Faculty of Motor Sciences, Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement, Verona, Italy
4University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Department for Kinesiological Education and Methodology, Split, Croatia

Exercise in the Workplace: A Qualitative-Quantitative Study of Enjoyment

Sport Mont 2024, 22(3), 93-98 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.241015


The present study will assess workers’ perceptions of the benefits of exercise and their awareness of the usefulness of performing it during working hours. The sample consists of 40 employees, in a small and medium-sized business, equipped with a gymnasium that gives the opportunity to exercise internally for 12 months. Convenience sampling was used, having direct access to employees through contact with the owner. A specially developed questionnaire was then administered to participants to collect detailed information on their fitness habits, perceptions of the benefits of exercise, and awareness of the usefulness of performing exercise activities in the workplace. Post-administration of the questionnaire indicated that 87.5% believed that exercise was important for health, 82.5% believed that having the opportunity to exercise in the workplace would boost mental and physical well-being and productivity. Following the application of the ChiSquare test, a first significant relationship was found between employees’ perceptions regarding the usefulness of implementing exercise in the work and non-work context (p=.041). A second relationship was found between the possibility of performing exercise at work and the desire to be more physically fit (p=.002). It is shown that the possibility of performing exercise at workplaces gives way to practice at least the recommended daily amount of movement, making workers perceive the benefits of this practice and its repercussions in the work context.


perception, wellness, questionnaire, company, productivity, sedentariness

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