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Saleh Hammad1,2, Abdelhafez Alnawayseh3, Amer Alshaar4, Rami Hammad5,6,7, Haidar Djemai8,9,10

1Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Physical and Health Education, Amman, Jordan
2University of Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine, New town Ali Mendjeli, Sports performance expertise and analysis laboratory (LEAPS), Constantine, Algeria
3Mu’tah University, Faculty of Sport Science, Department of Sport Rehabilitation, Al-Karak, Jordan
4University of Jordan, School of Sport Sciences, Department of Physical Education, Amman, Jordan
5University of Quebec, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Montreal, Canada
6University of Quebec, Faculty of Science, Department of Kinesiology, Montreal, Canada
7Centre de Recherche institute Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal (CRIUGM), Montréal, QC, Canada
8INSEP, Institute for Research in bioMedicine and Epidemiology of Sport (IRMES), EA 7329, Paris, France
9University Paris Cité, INSERM UMR-S 1124, T3S, Toxicology Pharmacology and Cell Signaling, Paris, France
10University Saleh Boubenider Constantine, Medical School, Laboratory of Biology and Molecular Genetics, New town Ali Mendjeli, Constantine, Algeria

Assessing the Knowledge Level of Karate Coaches Regarding Physical Training Modalities

Sport Mont 2024, 22(3), 67-73 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.241011


Having a certain level of knowledge is always important in doing any task correctly. However, when it comes to being a sports coach, a person needs to have a deep understanding of the sport’s rules, the technical aspects involved, and the various physical training modalities. This study aims to identify the knowledge level of karate coaches regarding physical training modalities, on the basics of physical training according to sex, academic qualification, belt degree, classification degree and years of experience. Fifty senior coaches of both sexes were deliberately selected after showing interest in participating into the current study. The study was based on the previously developed and validated questionnaire (Martial Arts Coaches Knowledge Level Questionnaire). The questionnaire is composed of several axes with multiple choice questions to measure the cognitive results of karate coaches in the areas of physical training concerning human exercise physiology, functional sports anatomy, sports nutrition, sports injuries and first aid. The results showed a weak level of knowledge among karate coaches and the correct answers (total level) in all areas scored 45.7%, and coaches over 5 Dan have scored higher levels compared 3 Dan (p=0.033, 0.010; respectively). Based on these findings, we conclude that karate coaches in Jordan have a significant knowledge gap in the field of physical training methods. This gap may impact the effectiveness of training programs and athlete performance, emphasizing the need for targeted educational interventions and continuous professional development programs to enhance coaches’ understanding and application of physical training modalities. Such improvements could ultimately lead to better athlete outcomes and a higher level of performance in the sport.


martial arts, performance, injuries, exercise, comprehensive coaching

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