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Pia Lucija Rotar1, Ziga Kozinc1, Borko Katanic2

1University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia
2Montenegrin Sports Academy, Podgorica, Montenegro

Investigation of Dynamic Balance, Limb Asymmetry and Flexibility in Jiu-Jitsu Athletes: A Preliminary Exploratory Study

Sport Mont 2024, 22(3), 17-24 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.241003


This preliminary exploratory study is the first to thoroughly examine dynamic balance, inter-limb asymmetry, and flexibility in jiu-jitsu athletes, focusing on differences by fighting style, competition level, gender, and limb dominance. A total of 25 jiu-jitsu fighters participated in this cross-sectional study, which used repeated measures to ensure the reliability of the findings. Participants underwent measurements for limb lengths and were assessed for dynamic balance using the Lower and Upper Quarter Y Balance Test (LQYBT and UQYBT) and for flexibility with the Sit and Reach Test (SR). The analysis included evaluating the reliability of these tests, as well as comparing outcomes based on gender, fighting styles, competition levels, and limb dominance. The results showed that the LQYBT and UQYBT tests were reliable (ICC=0.74–0.93). There were no significant differences in dynamic balance and flexibility between different fighting styles. No significant differences were found in balance tests between the dominant and non-dominant limbs, but there were notable inter-limb asymmetries in certain measures. This study provides preliminary insights for coaches and researchers by offering reference values for balance, flexibility, and inter-limb asymmetry in jiu-jitsu athletes. However, future research with larger sample sizes is needed to better understand the differences among subgroups in this sport.


athletic training, Y-balance test, physical performance, martial arts, asymmetry

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