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Ali Mandan1, Tomoliyus1, Abdul Alim1, Trisnar Adi Prabowo1

1Yogyakarta State University, Depatment of Sport and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The Impact of Service Quality on Self-Confidence of Wheelchair Athletes: An Analysis of Family Support as Moderator

Sport Mont 2024, 22(2), Ahead of Print | DOI: 10.26773/smj.240717


This study aims to analyze further the effect of service quality on the confidence of wheelchair athletes. The family support is referred to as a moderator variable. This quantitative research type used the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) method. Sampling was carried out at a special open tournament for wheelchair athletes. The total number of athletes was 122 (basketball =30, tennis =16, badminton =22, archery =20, fencing =16, table tennis =18), with characteristics as follows: aged 25.36±2.4 years, and had 11.37±1.2 years of coaching rate. The instrument was a questionnaire which had been validated through the focus group discussion (FGD) with experts, namely sports training lecturers and wheelchair trainers. The initial results were typically distributed data based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 0.200. The second regression test analysis without moderation was 0.003, and R2=0.466, meaning there was an effect between service quality and self-confidence. The third moderation analysis was 0.000, and R2=0.583. The family support variable moderated positively and significantly between service quality and self-confidence. In conclusion, the wheelchair athletes’ self-confidence is determined in one way, namely developing and improving good service quality. With the support of parents, wheelchair athletes feel supported by emotional, nutritional, instrumental, appreciation, and informative aspects. Thus, good service quality and family support can increase wheelchair athletes’ self-confidence, and hopefully it impacts their achievement.


athlete disabilities, para-athlete, wheelchair

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