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Sakshi Sadhu1, Ramesh Chandra Patra1, Madhusudhan Pal2, Soubhagyabati Prusty1, Agnel Prinson1

1Lovely Professional University, Department of Physiotherapy, School of allied health Sciences, Phagwara, Punjab, India
2Ministry of commerce & industry, Govt. of India, Footwear design & development institute, Noida, India

Evaluation of Prevalence, Location and Pattern of Musculoskeletal Pain and Discomfort among Dancers

Sport Mont 2024, 22(2), 93-99 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.240713


Professional Dancers are contemplated as athletes as it is involving repetitive and rhythmic movement. These strenuous activities are the negative stressors and reason for overuse injuries leading to discomfort and pain. This pain and discomfort results in some major issues in the future and it can affect their professional performance or career. This study aimed to exploring the prevalence, common region involved and relation of course of pain in different regions of the body in dancers. A total of 110 dancers, both male and female, participated in this cross-sectional study using the Nordic MSD questionnaire tool. The mean and standard deviation for age (years), height (cm), weight (kg), BMI (kg/cm²), experience (years), and weekly practice hours were calculated as follows: for women, 21.87±4.47, 165.57±9.89, 60.98±17.85, 22.20±5.93, 8.05±5.47, and 8.98±6.93, and for men, 21.83±6.59, 173.73±7.34, 70.41±11.43, 23.23±3.24, 7.84±5.55, and 9.36±6.95. The result findings revealed, 30.8% participants had pain in the low back region that in last 7 days, followed by shoulder 27.3% and ankle 25.5%. In last 12 months 51% participants reported pain, discomfort and numbness in the lower back region followed by ankle/ foot and knee (31%). In response towards the restriction in the ADL, lower back pain cases (30%) were highest followed by knee (23.6%). The results also revealed that neck pain is strongly and positively associated with upper back pain(r=.601) and moderately related to shoulder pain (r=.467). The study concludes that the lower back region is more prevalent area for pain following the ankle and knee among dancers.


biomechanics, dancing, foot, ankle, injury, prevalence, epidemiology

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