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Hajarul Susanto Walid Djaba1, Siswantoyo1, Ratna Budiarti1, Fauzi1, Endang Rini Sukamti1, Tomoliyus1, Trisnar Adi Prabowo1

1Yogyakarta State University, Depatment of Sport and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The Impact of Motivation on Decision-Making of Futsal Goalkeepers in Indonesia: An Analysis of Self-Confidence as Mediator

Sport Mont 2024, 22(2), 45-51 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.240707


This study aims to explore the relationship between motivation and decision-making of futsal goalkeepers through self-confidence variable. It is a quantitative correlational research using structural equating modeling (SEM) approach with Smart-PLS analysis. The sample was 150 elite goalkeepers (103 men and 47 women), aged 23.4±7.8, had 7.24±5.6 years of career in competition, and had 9.78±2.2 years of training experience. A questionnaire on the Google form was used as research instrument. It was arranged and adjusted to the conditions in real context by modifying the results of previous research through the(focus group discussion (FGD). The results of this research show that the instrument is declared valid based on the Outer Loading value (>0.7) and average variance extracted (AVE; >0.5), then the reliability test is based on Cronbach’s Alpha (>0.7) and Composite Reliable (>0.7). The Goodness of Fit (GOF) in this research model is Standardized Root Mean Square (SRMR; <0.10 or <0.08), showed 0.073. Path Coefficients (P-Values) showed the effect of motivation on self-confidence at 0.001, the effect of motivation on decision-making at 0.045, the effect of self-confidence on decision-making at 0.000, and motivation on decision-making through self-confidence at 0.002. It conclusion, the proper training method, coach support, team and environment must constantly be optimized to increase motivation. Furthermore, participating in trial matches and competitions at the regional and provincial levels is an effective initial method to develop and train self-confidence. Ultimately, a goalkeepers increasing skill at decision- making will lead to becoming an elite athlete.


futsal, athlete performance, competition, sports psychology

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