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Michele A. Brito1, José R. Fernandes2, Pedro Henrique Berbert de Carvalho2, Ciro José Brito2, Esteban Aedo-Muñoz3, Dany Alexis Sobarzo Soto4, Bianca Miarka1

1Department of Fights, Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Performance in Sports and Combats, Federal, University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Governador Valadares, Brazil
3Departamento de Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Facultad de Artes y Educación Física, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Chile, Unidad de Ciencias Aplicadas al Deporte de Chile, Instituto Nacional de Deportes de Chile
4Escuela de Kinesiología, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Santo Tomás, Puerto Montt, Chile

Acute Effect of a Cross-Training Benchmark on Psychophysiological Factors of Cross-Training According to Performance

Sport Mont 2023, 21(2), 9-15 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.230702


The study aims to analyze the acute effect of a Cross-Training benchmark on executive functions and physiological parameters according to performance. Thirty-two practitioners were divided according to their performance, Elite group (n=7; age: 28.9±4.7 years; practice: 50.0±13.3 months), Advanced group (n=10; age: 33.4±4.6 years; practice: 27.6±13.8 months) and Beginner group (n=15; age: 30.6±7.1 years; practice: 22.9±9.2 months). This research compares the groups and the pre-WOD and post-WOD moments for physiological (heart rate, lactate concentration, diastolic and systolic blood pressure) and neuropsychological variables (executive function); correlations between the physiological and neuropsychological effects of the benchmark. The results showed a significant difference concerning the performance of the WOD time (Elite: 177.1’±29.8’ s and the difference in executive functions regarding the comparison between moments: reading (Elite:76.4±20.2 percentiles), counting (Elite: 86.4±10.7 percentiles), choice (Elite: 89.3±9.8 percentiles), shifting (Advanced: 91.0±8.4 percentiles), inhibition (Advanced:76.5±12.5 percentiles), flexibility (Advanced: 93.0±6.3 percentiles), lactate (Elite:13.1±1.8 mmol/L), heart rate (Elite: 188.0±6.6 bpm), systolic blood pressure (Elite: 149.7±11.5 mmHg), and diastolic blood pressure (Elite: 73.4±6.2 mmHg). Our findings confirm that high-intensity exercise could influence the physiological mechanisms responsible for the intervention in cognitive performance, improving executive functions.


sport psychology, cognition, anxiety, physiology of exercise, neuroscience, sport performance

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