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Fiorenzo Moscatelli1, Francesco Sessa1, Anna Valenzano1, Rita Polito1, Sara Eronia1, Vincenzo Monda2, Giuseppe Cibelli1, Ines Villano2, Alessia Scarinci3, Michela Perrella1

1University of Foggia, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Foggia, Italy
2University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Human Physiology and Unit of Dietetic and Sport Medicine, Naples, Italy
3Department of Education Sciences, Psychology and Communication, University of Bari, Bari, Italy

The Influence of Physical Exercise, Stress and Body Composition on Autonomic Nervous System: A Narrative Review

Sport Mont 2022, 20(2), 131-134 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.220620


The heart rate variability (HRV) changes under different situations such as physical exercise, stress and in obese/ overweight subjects. It is considered a noninvasive marker of autonomic nervous system function. The aim of this narrative review was to discuss the relationship between HRV and physical exercise. Moreover, we will make an overview about HRV and stress, and HRV and body composition. There are a large number of studies dealing with HRV, however, few of them explain relationship between HRV and physical exercise, stress and body composition. HRV has proved to be a valuable tool to investigate the sympathetic and parasympathetic function of the ANS. Nonlinear parameters can be used to analyze the health of the subjects and is also used to investigate the stress and the physical exercise level. Despite the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated, these finding can be used as a starting point to determine a non-invasive index of cardiac wellness for clinical and nutritional application. Thus, physiological feedback via monitoring HRV would prove useful for addressing the individual’s present capability, be it during selection processes or returning to duty following injury or illness but should not be used to diagnose any pathological conditions.


autonomic nervous system (ANS), herat rate variability (HRV), cardiovascular disease (CVD), physical activity, stress, overweight

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