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Boris Banjevic1, Borko Katanic2

1Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, University of Montenegro, Niksic, Montenegro
2Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia

Motor Status of Military Pilots in Montenegro

Sport Mont 2022, 20(2), 83-87 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.220613


The results of numerous kinesiological studies in contemporary armed forces of today indicate the considerable role that the motor skills of soldiers play in the performance of multi-purpose specific tasks. The aim of this research was to determine targeted motor profiles of military pilots. The sample of participants consisted 20 military pilots of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, aged 36.3±11 years. The sample of measurements included 18 indicators of motor skills for the evaluation of precision, balance, flexibility, speed, coordination, explosive power, repetitive strength, aerobic and anaerobic endurance. The central and dispersion parameters of the variables were calculated. It was determined that the motor profile of military pilots was not at a satisfactory level, except for indicators of aerobic endurance, and explosive and repetitive strength. The results obtained indicate the need to carry out further research to predominantly study the impact of a broad spectrum of motor predictors on the criterion in the form of simulation movements of military tasks typical for certain military specialties. This would provide important data pertaining to military organization in the sense of improving the assessment and development of the conditioning potentials of soldiers.


motor profile, motor skills, physical fitness, army, air force

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