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Kanok Tiaprapong1, Krueakaew Tiaprapong1

1Walailak University, Department of Physical Therapy, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand

The Relationship between Respiratory Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in College Volleyball Players

Sport Mont 2022, 20(2), 41-45 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.220607


Physical performance and respiratory muscle strength are the effective factors that influence sport competence. This study aimed to determine the relationship between respiratory muscle strength and leg strength, power, speed, and agility in college volleyball players. Twenty-eight college volleyball players (age: 20.79±1.71 years; body mass index: 23.22±3.48 kg/m2; sport experience: 4.68±2.21 years; training frequency: 4.43±1.26 days/week) were included into the study. Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure (MIP and MEP) tests were performed using a mouth pressure meter for respiratory muscle strength assessment. Leg muscle strength and power were measured using a back and leg dynamometer and a Yardstick device, respectively. The 10-meter sprint test was performed to assess speed performance. Agility was measured by the agility T-test. MIP was positively correlated with leg strength (r=0.406; p=0.032), while it was negatively correlated with speed, and agility (r=-0.416; p=0.028, r=-0.469; p=0.012, respectively). There was no relationship between MIP and power (p=0.197). For MEP, it was negatively correlated with speed (r=-0.392; p=0.039). Other parameters of physical performance were not significantly correlated with MEP (p>0.05). In the light of the results, muscle strength, speed, and agility of college volleyball players develop parallel to respiratory muscle strength, particularly inspiratory muscle. Thus, it is believed that inspiratory muscle training should be added to exercise training programs for enhancing players’ physical performance.


MIP, MEP, strength, speed, agility, volleyball

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