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Rymma Bannikova1, Olena Lazarieva1, Volodymyr Vitomskyi1, Vadym Kerestei2, Antonina Kovelska1, Ivan Myronyuk3, Vita Brushko1, Volodymyr Kormiltsev1

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Physical Rehabilitation and Biokinesiology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
3Uzhhorod National University, Health sciences Department, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Cerebral Blood Flow Acute Disorders in the Late Recovery Period

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 159-163 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210927


The purpose of this article is to substantiate, develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a physical rehabilitation comprehensive program using functional training method for patients with cerebral blood flow acute disorders in the late recovery period. The rehabilitation program focuses on improving the quality of life indicators according to the International Classification of Functioning, treating movement disorders and returning patients to their previ- ous functional level. The ascertaining experiment involved 73 patients. The primary diagnosis was the consequenc- es of cerebral blood flow acute disorders lasting for at least 6 months and not more than 9 months after a stroke. The physical rehabilitation comprehensive program was implemented amongst the patients of the experimental group (n=35) and the control group (n=38), the latter attending a standard physical rehabilitation course in a medical insti- tution. The statistical analysis revealed a great number of correlations at a significant level, which is explained by the connection between body structures and functions, activity and participation. The study proves the effectiveness of the proposed program as compared to the traditional approaches. It ascertains that using specialized methods based on functional training in post-stroke rehabilitation programs is the way to increase functional capacity and improve the adaptation of stroke patients.


physical therapy, stroke, functional training, activity, participation

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