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Xiang-Qian Xu1, Georgiy Korobeynikov1, Miroslav Dutchak2, Diana Mischuk3, Lesia Korobeynikova4, Irina Khmelnitska5, Dymytrii Nikonorov6, Nikolay Egupov1

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Combat Sports and Strength Events Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
2National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Health, Fitness and Recreation Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
3National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Department of Physical Education, Kyiv, Ukraine
4National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Psychology and Pedagogy Department Kyiv, Ukraine
5National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Biomechanics and Sports Metrology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
6National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Department of Water Sports, Kyiv, Ukraine

Cognitive Characteristics of Skilled Badminton Players

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 143-146 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210924


Study of the cognitive characteristics of qualified badminton players. 34 qualified badminton players, 12 men and 22 women were test subjects. Testing was carried out individually. Analysis of scientific and methodological liter- ature and world experience shows that the study of psychophysiological characteristics provides additional infor- mation about an athlete’s functional state during training and competitive activities. It is known that sports results largely depend on the individual typological characteristics of a person, as well as on the extent to which these fea- tures are used to realize the entire spectrum of the athlete's capabilities. Activation of higher nervous processes is present in almost all components of sports activity and provides a quick reaction, perception and processing of in- formation, the speed of mastering technical elements and quick switching from one type of activity to another. The study of the cognitive characteristics of badminton players was organized using the hardware-software computer complex "Multipsychometer-05". In our research, the first part of Raven's advanced progressive matrices was ap- plied. It is an express version of the test, consisting of 12 tasks and covers the entire range of possibilities diagnosed by the full test. The main informative indicator of the test is performance − the total number of correctly completed tasks for the entire time of the test (the total number of correct answers). The test execution speed, accuracy, effi- ciency are also determined. The analysis of Raven's progressive matrices showed that qualified badminton players have an average level of productivity, speed and accuracy, a level below the average of test performance. The study of cognitive abilities, taking into account sexual dimorphism, showed that, in terms of speed and quality indicators of cognitive tests, women demonstrate significantly better values in relation to men. General cognitive abilities can be used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria in the selection process for qualified badminton players.


psychophysiological characteristics, Raven's matrices, cognitive abilities, badminton players

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