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Valentina Voronova1, Irene Khmelnitska2, Victor Kostyukevich3, Tetiana Petrovska1

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Psychology and Pedagogy Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
2National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Biomechanics and Sports Metrology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
3Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Theory and Methodology of Sport Department, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

Psychological Components of a Football Coach Personality

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 137-141 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210923


The article analyses and summarizes the views on the coach’s personality in sports that are available in modern sci- entific and methodological literature and in the Internet resources. Attention is drawn to the fact that although the points of view differ, it is possible to single out those properties of a coach's personality that, according to scientists, determine the achievement of success in sports activities: gnostic, design, constructive, communicative and orga- nizational properties. The results of own research include the motivational component of the coach’s personality; organizational and communication skills as components of their pedagogical mastery; professionally important personality traits of coaches that determine the individual style of their activities; data from the analysis of the degree of formation of professional burnout and the current state of coaches. The obtained data are compared and explained according to the professional categories of coaches (A and B), who participated in the research.The formation and improvement of the personal qualities necessary for the successful professional activity of a football coach are very important and should be under the constant control of the individual; changes of admissible person- al indicators of professionally significant properties in trainers are related to the level of their professional skill, de- pend on level of emotional burnout and deviation from autogenous norm (according to an indicator of vegetative coefficient); revealed mainly low and intermediate level of ability to empathize in the surveyed coaches, regardless of category, age and experience, suggests that they have insufficient training of pedagogical skills.


personality’s characteristics, coach, motivational components, empathy, organizational, communication skills, individual style, professionalism

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