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Chenqing Ye1, Guo Pengcheng2, Оlga Rusanova1, Andrii Diachenko1, Dymytrii Nikonorov1

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport and Management, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi, China

The Use of Ergometry in the Kayakers´ Special Physical Conditioning

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 119-124 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210920


The main objective of this research was to determine the individual parameters of the ergometric working capac- ity, aimed at increasing the functionality and special performance of kayakers. Subjects in the research were 20 elite male kayakers, leading athletes of Jiangxi provinces, age =21.9±2 years. Testing of special working capacity and functional readiness of kayakers, shows the individual and statistical characteristics of ergometric power and energy supply of work corresponding to the level of training of skilled athletes. A number of indicators (VO 2 max – 6.0 l·min -1 , La test 30 s– 12.0 mmol·l -1 . La test CP – 16.0 mmol·l -1 ) indicated the high potential of kayakers who cor- responded to the world-class model. The given individual and statistical characteristics of the kayakers' readiness testify that the increase of efficiency of functional maintenance of a particular area affects the working capacity and functional capabilities of the kayakers in the process of overcoming all segments of the competition distance. Increasing special working capacity based on the relationship between the structure of special functional readi- ness and the structure of competitive activity is one of the most effective ways to form and to realize functional reserves of special readiness of kayakers.


kayakers, ergometric power, aerobic power supply capacity, functionality testing, working capacity

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