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Теtiana Кropyvnytska1, Yevgeniy Imas1, Olha Borysova1, Kyrylo Krasnianskiy1, Sergiy Matveev1, Ievgen Goncharenko1, Iryna Kohut1, Viktoriia Marynych1, Alina Ulan2

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Department of Professional, Non-Olympic and Adaptive Sports, Kyiv, Ukraine
2National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Department of History and Theory of Olympic Sport, Kyiv, Ukraine

Specifics of Organization of International Complex Competitions in Non-Olympic Sports

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 113-118 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210919


The specifics of organization of one of the largest projects in non-Olympic sports - the World Games, and novel competitions - the World Games SportAccord were considered. The main methods used were: the analysis of compe- titions reports, historical, systematic and comparative analysis, and an expert survey. As a result of the research there were: 1) developed the periodization of the World Games in the context of their organization (taking into account the activities of organizing committees, information, economic supply and staffing of these competitions; 2) summarized the features of complex competitions in non-Olympic sports (the World Games and the SportAccord World Games) in comparison with the Olympic Games, as well as the criteria for including sports in competition programs; 3) ground- ed the actual groups of problems of the organization of competitions; 4) confirmed the scientific data on the impact of current development trends of sports (professionalization, commercialization, globalization; emergence of new sports, their organizational structures and competitions; increase of the level of sporting achievements; the increas- ing role of the television and the Internet) on the organization of international complex competitions in non-Olympic sports .The obtained results of the research were implemented at the national level at the complex competitions in non-Olympic sports (the All-Ukrainian beach games, the All-Ukrainian martial arts games).


non-Olympic sport, organization of complex competitions, World Games, the SportAccord World Games, components, factors and problems of organization of competitions

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