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Iryna Kohut1, Olha Borysova2, Viktoriia Marynych1, Kateryna Chebanova2, Natalia Filimonova3, Теtiana Кropyvnytska2, Kyrylo Krasnianskiy2

1Research Institute of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Kiyv, Ukraine
2National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Professional, Non-Olympic and Adaptive Sports Department, Kiyv, Ukraine
3Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kiyv, Ukraine

Organizational Basics of Inclusive Education and Training Process for Karate Athletes with Disabilities

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 107-112 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210918


Physical education and sports for people with disabilities are the areas of physical and social rehabilitation. The im- plementation of this can be possible through the use of an inclusive approach in the training process of athletes with disabilities. Anthropometric measurements and testing of athletes with disabilities were conducted to determine the impact of an inclusive approach in the construction of the training process. The main purpose of this research was to demonstrate the positive impact of inclusive training sessions within the developed program on the development of the physical abilities of athletes with disabilities. The research used theoretical (analysis of scientific and methodologi- cal literature; analysis of sports programs for athletes with disabilities), empirical (pedagogical observation; pedagog- ical experiment) methods, as well as methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the research showed a positive impact from the training on the developed karate program for people with disabilities. It also presented the increase of the testing results in the exercises “Sit and reach test”, “Standing long jump” and “Abdominal crunches”.


inclusive training process, physical development, physical fitness, athletes with disabilities, karate, adaptive physical culture, adaptive sport

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