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Vitaly Kashuba1, Irene Khmelnitska1, Olena Andrieieva2, Svitlana Krupenya3, Veronika Denysenko4, Inna Horodinska5

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Biomechanics and Sports Metrology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
2National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Health, Fitness and Recreation Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
3National University of the State Fiscal Service, Horting and Rehabilitation Department, Irpin city in Kiev Region, Ukraine
4Kherson State University, Department of Pedagogy and Psychologypreschool and Primary Education, Kherson, Ukraine
5Kherson State University, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Kherson, Ukraine

Biogeometric Profile of the Posture as a Factor of Men’s Functional Assessment of Movements in the Early Middle Age

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 35-39 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210907


The research of the physical development of men in the early middle agewith different types and levels of biogeo- metric profile in the course of health fitness classes are presented. Subjects: 50 men of 35-45 years old engaged in physical activities. Visual screening of the biogeometric profile state of men’s posture has been used to assess the indicators in the sagittal and frontal planes. It was specified the indicators of the state level of the biogeo- metric profile of the different types of posture with men in the early middle age. Comparative analysis of indi- cators of functional assessment of men's movements (using Functional Movement Screen) showed statistically significant decrease (p<0.01) in motor skills in all test exercises depending on age. Analysis of variance showed that the level of the state of the biogeometric profile of posture of men of the early middle ageis statistically sig- nificant (p<0.05) affects the functional assessment of the movement. Analysis of the dependence of functional assessment of movements on the level of biogeometric profile of the posture of men 36–45 years found that the maximum differences are observed between men 36–40 years and 41–45 years with a high level of biogeometric profile of their posture, and the minimum in men with average level, however, there are no statistically significant differences between the functional assessment of the movement of men 36–40 and 41–45 years with different levels of biogeometric posture profile.


biogeometric profile, posture, men, early middle age, movement functional assessment

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