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Andrii Diachenko1, Guo Pengcheng2, Nataliia Yevpak1, Olga Rusanova1, Sergii Kiprych3, Yuriy Shkrebtiy1

1National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi, China
3Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine

Neurohumoral Components of Rapid Reaction Kinetics of the Cardio-Respiratory System of Kayakers

Sport Mont 2021, 19(S2), 29-33 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210906


The article shows the influence of the neurogenic and humoral components of the reaction on the development of rapid kinetics of the cardiorespiratory system and the functionality of the kayakers during the loads of maximal and submaximal intensity. Research was performed on kayakers team of Jianshi and Shandong provinces (China), n=32. We did gas analysis (Oxycon mobile (Jaeger) metabolimeter) and ergometry (Dansprint). Test tasks included loads with maximum intensity of work for 10 s, 45 s and 120 s. The analysis of indicators of quantitative characteristics and relationships of response indicators maximum level of pulmonary ventilation (V E ), partial pressure of СО2 (PaCO 2 ), ox- ygen consumption (VO 2 ), equivalent of оxygen consumption (EqО 2 ) , equivalent of CO2 emissions (EqСО 2 ), equivalent of partial pressure of СО2 (EqPaCO 2 ) , which characterize the rapid kinetics of the cardiorespiratory system in the pro- cess of analyzing the functional support of the special working capacity of kayakers. This allowed us to determine the initial components of the reaction and the degree of their influence on the effectiveness of the functional support of the special working capacity of kayakers. Analysis of the reaction components indicates that specific indicators of the ratio of the concentration of carbon dioxide in arterial blood, as well as CO 2 emission and breathing reactions (EqPaCO 2 and EqVСO 2 ), can be used to assess the rapid kinetics of the cardiorespiratory system. Depending on the duration and intensity of the load, these reaction components also form the structure of the functional support of special perfor- mance, influence the development of power, economy and stability of the reaction. The informative characteristics of rapid kinetics are associated with the highest rates of the reaction of the cardiorespiratory system (breathing reac- tions) to an increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and the release of CO 2 in the external respiration system. Normative model characteristics of EqPaCO 2 and EqVСO 2 can be registered during the 45 s test, when indicators of EqPaCO 2 and EqVСO 2 reach the highest values in a series of tests: EqPaCO 2 – 3.6±1.0. EqVСO 2 – 30.1±3.4. These indica- tors can be used as a characteristic of the components of the rapid reaction kinetics of the cardiorespiratory system.


functional capabilities, rapid kinetics, neurogenic stimulus, humoral stimulus, cardiorespiratory system of kayakers

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