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Nikola Prvulovic1, Miljan Hadzovic1, Ana Lilic1

1University of Nis, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Nis, Serbia

The Effects of Different Exercise Programmes on Body Composition and Body Mass in Adults: A Review Article

Sport Mont 2021, 19(3), 135-141 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.211016


The present systematic review will compile, analyse, and synthesize current results regarding the effects of various exercise programmes on body composition and body mass. Method: searching electronic databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, ERIC and compiling studies on the effects of various exercise programmes on reduction of body mass and changes to body composition. The range of the dates of publication is 1994–2020. The studies included healthy adult individuals and excluded values for body weight. Results: based on 16 analysed studies outlining the advantages of aerobic programmes for reductions in body mass and endurance resistance programmes for improvement in body composition parameters, a combined type of exercise is recommended as the best option. The recorded intensity of exercise ranged from 40–80% of maximum heart rate (MaxHR), with a weekly workout fre- quency of 3–5 times for 40–60 min, for six to 48 weeks. Moderate-intensity aerobic training of 60% MaxHR gave the best results for reducing body mass, while interval training with greater intensity of 80% MaxHR showed inconsistent results. Circuit resistance training indicated both positive and negative results for improvement in body composition parameters; exercise intensity varied from 50–70% MaxHR. Conclusion: various exercise programmes provide an effec- tive group type of work, leading to significant effects in reducing body mass and positive changes in body composition.


body composition, physical activity, effects, exercise programmes, weight loss

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