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Samsul Arifin1, Bambang Subali2, Siswantoyo2, Jefri Maliool3

1Yogyakarta State University, Graduate School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2Yogyakarta State University, Lecturer of Graduate School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Lecturer of Manado State Christian Institute, Manado, Indonesia

The Difficulty of Standardizing the Tester in the Physical Fitness Test in the Indonesian Air Force

Sport Mont 2021, 19(3), 47-50 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.211011


The physical fitness test is a method to determine physical abilities whose results are also very much determined in the measurement process carried out by the tester. This study aimed to determine the difficulty the tester has in meeting certain standards in measuring physical fitness in the Indonesian Air Force. This research method uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach through interviews with 15 testers. This qualitative data were analysed by referring to the phenomenological qualitative research steps of Moustakas and Cresswell. This study indicates difficulties in standardizing the tester in carrying out physical fitness tests in the Indonesian Air Force due to educational backgrounds, both in general education and military education, as well as corps, rank, and experience of different testers. Moreover, it was also found that there was also a lack of understanding of procedural mastery both in administration, measurement process procedures, and procedures for assessment and reporting of physical fitness test results. Continuous training of the tester is required to improve and monitor the tester’s ability.


difficulty, standardization, tester, physical fitness test

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