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Victor Lage1, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki2, Kazuo Kawano Nagamine2, Carlos Eduardo Lopes Verardi3, Marina Monzani da Rocha4, Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvare5

1Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação Física, Brasília/DF, Brasil
2Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto, Laboratório de Psicologia & Saúde, São José do Rio Preto/SP, Brasil
3Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Educação Física, Bauru/SP, Brasil
4Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Programa de Pós-graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento, São Paulo/SP, Brasil
5Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Psicologia, São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Analysis of the Behavioural and Emotional Profile of Adolescent Judo Practitioners

Sport Mont 2021, 19(3), 41-46 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.211010


In recent decades, the number of social projects that use sports as a tool has been increasing dramatically, necessi- tating rigorous investigations into their immediate and long-term effects and the behavioural changes in children and adolescents who participate in these projects. This study aimed to assess the behavioural and emotional profile of adolescent judo practitioners. The participants of the Judo Social Project in São José do Rio Preto answered the Brazilian version of the “Youth Self-Report” (YSR/2001). In the analysis of scores, the borderline range was grouped with the clinical range to minimize the occurrence of false negatives, specifically, the number of adolescents with scores outside the clinical range on the YSR/11-18 scale (t scores ≥60 for the clinical range) who required psycholog- ical or psychiatric care. The scores on the anxiety and depression scale were significantly higher for female partici- pants (p=0.0431). On the total scale of emotional and behavioural problems, 34.4% (N=106) of the study population had mean scores considered in the clinical range. Of these, the scores were found to be in the clinical range in 24.8% (N=31) of the female participants and 41% (N=75) of the male participants. The comparison between the sexes indi- cated that internalization symptoms (anxiety and depression) were more frequent in female participants, whereas externalization problems (rule-breaking and behavioural problems) were more frequent in male participants.


adolescence, physical activity, health, judo

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