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Valentine Panayotov1

1National Sports Academy (Sofia, Bulgaria)


Sport Mont 2014, XII(40-41-42), 105-112


Introduction: The rate of obesity among people in many countries escalated in recent years. A lot of different methodologies were implemented to address this problem. To address these problems in this study we tried to evaluate the impact of a daily schedule, consisting of physical activity of anaerobic-lactic type (20-30 sec), combined with an energy deficient diet (achieved using either EURODIET food substitutes or conventional food sources) on the components of body mass and the Quality of Life Index. Methods: The participants were 15 healthy adults of both sexes with Body Mass Index (BMI) values above 27. They were randomly assigned to 3 groups – the first one underwent an energy deficient diet using the products of EURODIET for 3 of the daily meals. The second one achieved the energy deficit adhering to a diet consisting of conventional food sources. The third group was the control one with no dietary restrictions imposed on the subjects. All 3 groups performed 30 min. circuit training sessions of resistance exercises 3 times a week. The study was 8 weeks long. Results. The differences between the initial and the final values of BMI, the body mass, the percentage of the fat tissue and the Quality of Life Index were compared. We detected statistically significant differences (p≤0.05) in the following variables and groups: 1. Body mass and BMI in Eurodiet group; 2. Body mass, Quality of Life Index and BMI in conventional diet group. No significant differences (p≤0.05) between the initial and the final values of the studied variables of the control group. Discussion: We found no evidence that a diet with food substitutes is superior to a conventional diet for losing body weight. Contrary to our previous studies we found that a conventional diet is superior to a food substitutes’ diet in sparing the lean body mass. In our opinion implementing physical activity alone is insufficient for achieving weight loss. It is possible that these findings were due to the relatively short duration of the study. When interpreting the results of the study we have to consider the relatively small number of participants in all 3 groups. References: 1. Želяzkov CV, Daseva D (2002). Osnovi na sportnata trenirovka.[Basics of sports training. In Bulgarian]. Sofiя, Gera art. Brill JB, Perry AC, Parker L et al. (2002). Int J Obes; 26(11), 1484-93. Borsheim E, Bahr R (2003). Sports Med, 33(14), 1037-60. De Feo P, Di Loreto C, Lucidi P et al. (2003). J Endocrinol Invest, 26(9), 851-4. Demling RH, DeSanti L (2000). Ann Nutr Metab, 44(1), 21-9.



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