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Nur Azis Rohmansyah1,2, Ashira Hiruntrakul3

1Khon Kaen University, Faculty of Graduate School, Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Khon Kaen, Thailand
2Universitas PGRI Semarang, Department of Physical Education, Semarang, Indonesia
3Khon Kaen University, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineer, Department of Branch of Sport Science, Nong Khai Campus, Nong Khai, Thailand

Do Lipid Profiles, Body Composition, and Physical Fitness Improve after a FIFA 11+ Training Programme from Obese Women?

Sport Mont 2021, 19(2), 51-57 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210609


Studies dealing with the effectiveness of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 11+ pre- vention programme to improve lipid profiles, body composition and physical fitness outcomes in obese women aged 30–40 years are limited. The present study aims to indicate the effects of the application of the FIFA 11+ warm-up programme on lipid profiles, body composition, and physical fitness in obese women. The randomized controlled trial design was used in this study. Participants were 54 obese women, divided into a FIFA 11+ n=27; age: 35.29±2.90 and a control group n=27; age: 35.29±2.71 and trained for six weeks. Before and after the training period, blood was taken, and body composition test, VO2max performance, muscular strength test, and balance tests were assessed. Significant differences were found in the HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI, body fat, waist circumference, VO2Max, arm curl, wall-sit test and Y balance test in favour of FIFA 11+ over the control group. However, there were no significant effects on cholesterol. The main findings of this study suggest that just six weeks of implementation of the FIFA 11+ improves lipid profiles, body composition, and physical fitness in obese women.


FIFA 11+, lipids profiles, body composition, cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, balance, obese women

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