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Selenia di Fronso1,2, Luca Tamburrino1, Maurizio Bertollo1,2

1University “G. d’ Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Medicine and Aging Sciences, Chieti, Italy
2Behavioral Imaging and Neural Dynamics (BIND) Center, Chieti, Italy

The Effects of Hatha Yoga and Specific Balance Exercises in Older Adults Living in Nursing Homes

Sport Mont 2021, 19(2), 3-9 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210618


We tested the effects of Hatha Yoga and specific balance exercises on balance function and fear of falling in older adults living in nursing homes. Twenty-six older adults underwent either Hatha Yoga or simple balance exercises practice. Before, during, and after completing the two programmes, the performance-oriented mobility assess- ment tool and the Italian version of the falls efficacy scale international were administered to assess participants’ balance function and fear of falling. Hatha Yoga practice yielded significant differences in balance function and fear of falling associated with low falls risk and reduced fear of falling. Specific balance exercises practice yielded significant differences only on balance function but with reduced performance-oriented mobility assessment tool scores associated with a greater falls risk. Accordingly, to improve the quality of life of older adults living in nursing homes, the practice of Hatha Yoga should be encouraged.


awareness, balance function, fear of falling, falls risk

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