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Wesley Rodrigues Belo1, Lucas Fenta de Castro1, Diego Cesar Palmieri1, Luiz Gustavo Dias dos Santos1, Tomás Herrera-Valenzuela2,3, Marco Antonio Ferreira dos Santos1, Karsten Øvretveit4, Roberto Simão4

1Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, School of Physical Education and Sports, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Physical Activity, Sports and Health Sciences Laboratory, Department of Medical Sciences, Santiago, Chile
3Universidad Santo Tomás, School of Sports Science, Department of Health, Santiago, Chile
4Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Trondheim, Norway

Post-Exercise Hypotension in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Sport Mont 2021, 19(1), 39-43 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.210208


Hypertension is a leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Exercise is a widely recommended treatment strategy that has been shown to cause both acute and chronic reductions in blood pressure. This study aimed to explore the potential therapeutic effects of Brazilian jiu-jitsu training by assessing blood pressure responses during and after technical sparring. Seven Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners (age: 24.0±3.5 years; height: 1.75±0.02 m; body mass: 76.0±4.2 kg; BMI: 24.5±0.9) were included in the study. The participants performed three five-minute technical sparring rounds. Auscultatory measurements of blood pressure were obtained at rest, one minute post-sparring, and every ten minutes for a total of 60 minutes of recovery time. Between rounds, acute increases in both systolic blood pressure (p<0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure (p<0.0001) were observed. In the subsequent recovery period, both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure increased at the ten-minute mark compared to baseline values, but then started to gradually decline, with systolic blood pressure dropping 10.0±4.1 (p<0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure 5.0±4.1 mmHg (p=0.001) after one hour of recovery. These findings indicate that technical Brazilian jiu-jitsu sparring induces significant post-exercise decreases in blood pressure and thus may have value as a non-pharmacological treatment strategy for the prevention and management of hypertension.


martial arts, combat sports, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, hypertension, blood pressure

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