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Gennadii Iedynak1, Serhii Romanchuk2, Victor Sliusarchuk3, Valeriі Mazur1, Liudmyla Matsuk4, Olena Kljus1, Mykola Bozhyk3, Artur Oderov2, Volodymyr Klymovych2, Igor Lototskiy2, Igor Ovcharuk5

1Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, Department of Theory, Methodology of Physical Education, World History аnd Preschool Education, Kamianets- Podilskyi, Ukraine
2National Academy of the Army, Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports, Lviv, Ukraine
3Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Kremenets, Ukraine
4Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik, Department of Pedagogy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
5Military Academy, Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports, Odesa, Ukraine

The Effect of Training in Military Pentathlon on the Physiological Characteristics of Academy Cadets

Sport Mont 2020, 18(3), 95-99 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.201007


The physiological characteristics of the students of two military academies of the same age and sports qualification were studied, using the data of 60 men at the age from 20.6 to 23.4 years, 30 from each military academy. In one sample, 30 students trained and participated in pentathlon competitions; in the other sample were 30 students who were athletes in other sports. Physiological characteristics were related to the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular systems; the necessary data were obtained using well-known functional tests. Their physical preparation was studied according to the results in tests for the display of motor abilities; tests that are recommended by physical education specialists were used. We established that among the students engaged in military pentathlon, the level of development of absolute muscular strength of the dominant hand and nondominant hand, aerobic endurance, speed force of the muscles of the lower extremities, and strength endurance in various motor activities were significantly (p<0.05) higher than among those students who were engaged in other sports. A similar result was obtained by comparing the ability to differentiate power and time parameters of motion, as well as all indicators of special physical preparation. The obtained data indicate that each student of the military academy must necessarily engage in a chosen sport. However, the most significant positive effect in the development of various physical qualities, physiological characteristics, special physical preparation is achieved with the military pentathlon.


students, military academy, sport activities, physical preparation, physiological characteristics

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