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Pablo Monteagudo1,2, Ana Cordellat1,3, Ainoa Roldán1,3, Caterina Pesce4, Cristina Blasco-Lafarga1,3

1University of Valencia, Sport Performance and Physical Fitness Research Group (UIRFIDE), Valencia, Spain
2Jaume I University, Education and Specific Didactics Department, Castellon, Spain
3University of Valencia, Physical Education and Sports Department, Valencia, Spain
4University of Rome Foro Italico, Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences, Rome, Italy

Assessing Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults: EuroQol Five-Dimensional Questionnaire vs the Short Form Health Survey

Sport Mont 2020, 18(2), 117-120 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.200609


This study analyses the association between EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire indexes (utility index and visual analogue scale) and the physical and mental components of the Short Form Health Survey, considering the impact of some variables that may influence both questionnaires (i.e., age, BMI, physical fitness and cognitive function). Bivariate and partial correlation analysis between EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire indexes and summary components of the Short Form Health Survey, including the mentioned covariates, were conducted in 58 older adults (71.03±4.32 years). The large to small correlations found between utility index and the physical component (0.647), as well as the utility index and the visual analogue scale (0.441), persisted by adjusting physical condition, cognitive function, BMI and age, while mental components showed no association at all. The utility index and physical component were confirmed to correlate with physical fitness, although moderately (0.294; 0.284). BMI was negatively associated, but only to the utility index (-0.322). These results reinforce the concurrent validity only for the utility index and physical components and highlight the importance of physical fitness in a comprehensive geriatric assessment. The indexes of the Short Form Health Survey seem to provide diverse information regarding those of the EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire in terms of the HRQL construct.


aging, body mass index, executive function; health status; perceived quality of life; physical fitness

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