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Dominique Redon1

1University of Lyon1 (Lyon, France)


Sport Mont 2014, XII(40-41-42), 70-72


Introduction: Of the two schools most stressed about the act of propelling the crawl, crawl in practice, which is the most efficient swimming, the two modes of propulsion favorites are "The outstretched arm" next to the called swimmer paddling and "The arm bent S-shaped" under the so-called swimmer impeller (N. Lanotte, S. Lem, 2012) The debate is not yet settled (Potdevin F; Pelayo P. 2006). Any swimmer has a strategy for managing its own resources considering the cost / benefit of each stroke technique report, with the aim of improving strength (Arellano, R. (1992), its movement and hence its performance (Joshua, 1992) in retarded placed in individual practice crawl competition, open to different technical conditions, what is the movement that is most often practiced, according to "the outstretched arm" or "folded S-shaped arm "under the swimmer? Methods: We record video (Pk Chollet - 2003), during two Regional championships in France adapted swim organized by the French Federation of Adapted Sport tests crawl in Division 1 Division 2 and Division 3 according to the latest regulations for implementation first time. We question the choice: "The outstretched arm" or "arm bent S-shaped" under the swimmer, by interviews (Y.Meynaud; Duclos D.1996) professional supervisors or volunteers before tests their competitors and we competitors are questioning after their trials. Results: It appears on the video that all competitors swim the "arms outstretched" The point of view of professional or volunteer supervisors: no of them are not asked for the choice of method of propulsion is best for their competitors as they say swimming techniques they teach in their club are the same as for all disabled or not competitors. The point of view of competitors: For competitors the method of propulsion "outstretched arm" seems to them the most effective. Method "arm S" Their demand coordination of movement more difficult to obtain in the context of mental disability. Discussion: Using the method of "arms outstretched" timing of movements is easier to obtain in the case of development of a simple movement to the competitor deficient adult mind. He can repeat the gesture "outstretched arms" over the entire length as a strategy to optimize its performance (Temprado 1991; Famose 1993; Sarrazin, 1997). References: Arellano R (2004 ). Seminario Europeo de Entrenadores de Natación, Madrid 7-9 mayo 04. Arellano, R. (1992).Evaluación de la fuerza propulsiva en natación y su relación con elentrenamiento y la técnica. (Tesis Doctoral, Director: Jaime Vila). Chollet P. (2013). La coordination dans les quatre nageS. Actes des 3ème journées spécailisées de natation ed De Booeck 2013. Elipot, M , Dietrich, G., Hellard, P., Houel, N. (2010). Cinalysis: A new software for swimming races analysis. Procedia Engineering, 8 th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA), 2, 3467.



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