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Marta Bon1, Primoz Pori1

1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Various Aspects of the Scientific Development of Beach Handball over Three Decades - from “Keep It Simple” to the Olympic Games

Sport Mont 2020, 18(2), 103-106 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.200618


The study aims to present the analyses of the scientific and historical development of beach handball over three-decades. The purpose is to identify future development trends through a broad analysis. The primary methods used were description, comparison and constructive analysis. The available scientific publications were analysed, and the quantitative and qualitative analyses using the deductive method is present. To 2019, the literature on beach handball in Europe consisted of three doctoral theses (all written in Spain), 81 quantitative analyses, a wide range of promotional material to an extensive amount of video (teaching and promotional) material. The changes in philosophy were also analysed. In the first articles, the philosophy revolved around “fair play”, “keep it simple”, and “sport for the future”, with a focus on “simple structure”, “very few restrictions”, “little administration”, “easy rules”, “a lot of sun and fun”, and “beach lifestyle”, while the more recent studies adopted a systematic approach, in many cases using high-tech measurement technology and the most modern approaches (performance analysis, time-motion analysis, Global Positioning System (GPS), load intensity, elite, technology, rotator cuff, peak torque, etc.) Based on this overview and according to ongoing rapid and dynamic developments, it is safe to predict further intensive development, as well as the possibility of it becoming an Olympic sport.


beach handball, analyses, development, philosophy, scientific approach

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