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Volodymyr Klymovych1, Artur Oderov1, Serhii Romanchuk1, Yaroslav Pankevich1, Ivan Pylypchak1, Oleksandr Roliuk1, Orest Lesko1, Bilichenko Olena2, Viktor Dobrovolskyi3, Oleksandr Vorontsov4

1National Academy of the Army, Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports, Lviv, Ukraine
2Kremenchug Mykhailo Ostrogradsky National University, Department of Human Health and Physical Culture, Kremenchug, Ukraine
3Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University if Kyiv, Military Training Department, Kyiv, Ukraine
4National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Department of Special Physical Training Kyiv, Ukraine

Functional State of Military Personnel Engaged in Unarmed Combat

Sport Mont 2020, 18(1), 99-101 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.200218


Thirty-two soldiers engaged in hand-to-hand combat participated in the survey (Master of Sports (MS) - 4 people, Candidate Master of Sports (KMS) - 12 people, and the first sports category (I) - 16 people). The surveys were conducted under the aegis of the Hetman Petras Sagaidachny National University of Ground Forces (Lviv). The study made it possible to predict and evaluate the functional state of the cardiovascular system of military captains, to carry out a qualitative selection in the sports section with hand-to-hand combat, as well as to rationally construct training regimens, competitions and monitor their functional status. It is established that the servicemen who are engaged in the hand-to-hand combat segment have a high level of physical development, excellent cardiac performance, are of the normotonic type and have average values of general physical capacity (PWC170) and aerobic possibilities, namely maximum oxygen consumption.


functional state, aerobic capacity, anthropometric indicators, unarmed combat, cadets

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