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Irena Auersperger1, Iva Jurov1, Klemen Laurencak1, Bojan Leskosek1, Branko Skof1

1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Effect of a Short-Term Training Period on Physiological Parameters and Running Performance in Recreationally Active Female Runners

Sport Mont 2020, 18(1), 69-74 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.200212


This paper aimed to analyse an individually set training programme in recreationally active female runners and its effects on endurance and performance. Nine female athletes (age 34.0±5.4 years) went through eight weeks of polarized training based on a modified training impulse method. Their training zones were established individually based on their heart rate measured with an incremental running test. Their programme was polarized to elicit positive changes in aerobic capacity and running performance in a 2400 m test. Their physiological parameters (VO2max, HR, respiratory compensation threshold) ventilation were measured in an incremental running test. The participants attended most of the training sessions and showed great motivation in their individually set training regime. We observed positive changes in all measured parameters (final treadmill velocity, distance covered on the treadmill, VO2max, the velocity at RCT) in an incremental test and better performance on the 2400 m run. A modified TRIMP concept in an eight-week running programme is a valid method in prescribing training to recreationally active female runners. It elicits positive changes in performance and supports well-being and health.


training periodization, TRIMP, VO2 max, running, monitoring training load

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