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Svetislav G. Popovic1, Sanja Paunovic Zaric1, Irena Rajkovic1

1University of Montenegro, Faculty of Architecture, Podgorica, Montenegro

Analysis of Sports Halls in Terms of Eliminating Noise: Case Study on an Example in Podgorica, Montenegro

Sport Mont 2020, 18(1), 25-31 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.200205


Noise in a learning environment is unwanted and depends on many factors, which are particularly evident in sports halls because of the noisy nature of sports activities. This paper analyses three school sports halls in Podgorica, Montenegro, in terms of detecting noise and providing guidelines for its elimination. Through three characteristic sports hall typologies, sources and numerical indicators of noise levels, generated during the usage of the sports hall for games and sports, have been detected. The results obtained through measurements give specific values that can be compared with applicable standards, and by using a comparative method, the ranking of noise levels for the three types of sports halls will be made. Through three typical examples, this paper gives specific guidelines for improving the conditions for using sports halls, with the help of positive examples in solving the same or similar problems in the region, and beyond.


sports hall, noise, sound barriers, noise source, typology of school sports halls

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