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Georgi Georgiev1, Avdi Pireva2, Viktor Mitrevski3, Hasmir Hasani4, Fadil Nika5

1Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty for physical education (Skopje, Macedonia)
2University of Prishtina (Prishtina, Kosova)
3Business Academy Smilevski, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
4Hotel “Lirak” (Tetovo, Macedonia)
5State University in Tetovo, Faculty for Physical culture, Tetovo, Macedonia


Sport Mont 2014, XII(40-41-42), 46-49


Introduction: The tests of good measure characteristics are a multiple matter of interest. They can be property used in the work of selecting young athletes as well as programming the physical activities and giving marks in classes. There are many authors who have conducted researches and established measure characteristics of motor tests. Measure characteristics are constantly an actual issue for research. This research was conducted with the aim of establishing and comparing the measure characteristics of the used motor tests of movement frequencies with 11-year-old students from Macedonia and Kosovo. Methods: The sample of respondents consists of 180 male students at the age of 11 (100 from Macedonia and 80 from Kosovo). They were tested with three composite motor tests to assess the movement frequency. For the obtained data there calculated: basic descriptive parameters, Pearson coefficient of correlation, factor analyse, Cronbach α and Spearman-Brown’s coefficients (Vincent, 2005). Results: On the based of the received results, it is obvious that regarding the three tests satisfactory measure characteristics are established (validity and reliability). Discussion: In kinesiology, by using motor tests, we indirectly form a concept about the motor abilities of the respondents. That is why, it is of great importance to use tests that have satisfactory measure characteristics. The used tests are recommended for application in assessing motor abilities’ movement frequency. The final results correspond to a great extent with the researches of Metikos et al, (1989), Georgiev (1996, 2007), Pireva (2013) and other. References: Georgiev G (1996). Definiranje na stepenot na faktorskata validnost, relijabilnost i drugi merni karakteristiki vo biomotorniot prostor kaj učenicite od dvata pola od 11-godišna vozrast. (Magisterski trud), Univerzitet “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Fakultet za fizička kultura, Skopje. Georgiev G (2007). Sport i nauka, 5, 224-30. Metikos D, Prot F, Hofman E, Pintar S, Oreb G (1989). Mjerenje bazicnih motorickih dimenzija sportasa. Fakultet za fizicku kulturu Sveucilicta u Zagrebu, Zagreb. Pireva A (2013). Merni karakteristiki, normativi i standardi za ocenuvanje na motorniot status na mladite. (Doktorska disertacija), Univerzitet “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, Fakultet za fizička kultura, Skopje. Vincent JW (2005). Statistics in kinesiology (3rd ed.). Human Kinetics, Champaign.



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