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Stefan Seman1, Marija Macura1, Branka Markovic1, Otto Barak2

1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Belgrade, Serbia
2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia

Injury Incidence in Female Serbian Elite Volleyball Players

Sport Mont 2019, 17(3), 101-104 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.191005


Sport injuries are unavoidable factors that influence the life of every elite athlete. They are most likely caused by increased frequency, intensity, and duration of training. Even the slightest injury could, from a functional point of view, influence athletic results. This research aims to analyse and provide data regarding injury typology of elite volleyball players of Serbia. Data were collected from 15 female volleyball players of the Serbian national volleyball team. The average age of the players was 25.53 years, with 14 years of volleyball experience. The results show that the most frequent injuries were injuries of the ankle (33%), followed by shoulder injuries (20%), and other injuries, and that the jumping phase had the highest occurrence of injury.


elite sport, female, injury

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