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Volodymyr Klymovych1, Mukola Korchagin2, Oleh Olkhovyі3, Serhii Romanchuk1, Artur Oderov1

1National Academy of the Army, Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports, Lviv, Ukraine
2Kozhedub Air Force University, Department of Physical Education, Special Physical Training and Sports, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3Black Sea Petro Mohyla National University, Department of Olympic and Professional Sports, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

The Influence of the System of Physical Education of Higher Educational School on the Level of Psychophysiological Qualities of Young People

Sport Mont 2019, 17(2), 93-97 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.190616


In terms of functioning of physical education system in higher educational establishments, a four-year educational pedagogical experiment with the application of the directional technology of acquiring professional-applied motor skills was implemented. According to the results of approbation of experimental technology, a reliable improvement in the state of psychophysiological qualities was recorded in the study group: evaluation of the process of main nervous processes excitation - by 125.32 Ms (p<0.001), the forces of the excitation process, internal inhibition and mobility of the main nervous processes - by 145.99 Ms (p<0.001), “an adequate indicator of the relative change in the strength of the excitation process, internal inhibition and mobility of the main nervous processes” - by 20.66 Ms (p<0.001).


young, latent period, psychophysiological state

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