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Pietro Montesano1, Filomena Mazzeo2

1University of Naples Parthenope, Department of Motor Sciences and Wellness, Naples, Italy
2University of Naples Parthenope, Department of Science and Technology, Naples, Italy

Pilates Improvement the Individual Basics of Service and Smash in Volleyball

Sport Mont 2018, 16(3), 25-30 | DOI: 10.26773/smj.181005


A sample of 20 players 12-to 14-year old young male volleyball athletes participated in this study to test the improvement of agonistic performance, especially for the individual basics of the service and smash, using Pilates method in additional training sessions. The research was conducted with observation and manual and computerized detection for six months with tests for explosive strength detection and smash precision. The measuring the length of the lower limbs with the ASIS method showed a difference of a few millimetres between the two lower limbs and hypertrophy of the longest limb and hypotrophy of the shortest one. The athletes were divided into group A control (10 athletes) and group B (10 athletes). Only Group B participated in 20 additional training sessions with the Pilates method. The study showed improvement in performances with particular reference to the average percentage of crushing between 4 and 7%. Group B athletes, they found a uniform muscle toning and improved breathing control. The A group, motivated to perform the workouts with greater concentration, showed a performance improvement of a few percentage points. These athletes can improve the effectiveness of using unconventional methods to improve sports performance in a Team Sport.


team sport, volleyball, posture, pilates, basic individual

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