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Slobodan Andrasic1, Zoran Milic2, Milan Cvetkovic3, Darijan Ujsasi3, Dejan Orlic3

1University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia
2College of Vocational School, Subotica, Serbia
3University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Novi Sad, Serbia

Relations between Biomechanical Parameters and Static Power of Arms in Children with Disturbed Posture

Sport Mont 2017, 15(1), 23-26


This study is aimed at determining the parameters and biomechanical analysis of their impact on the static arm strength in children with impaired posture as poor kyphotic posture, lordotic poor posture and children with flat feet. A transversal study included a sample of 67 children on the territory of the municipality of Subotica. The structure of the sample is as follows: 22 subjects with impaired kyphotic posture, 18 patients with impaired lordotic posture, and 27 subjects with flat feet. Measuring the level of static arm strength was done by the standardized "folding endurance" test. Observing the morphological development of children with kyphotic, lordotic poor posture and flat feet determined statistically significant differences in biomechanical variables.


biomechanical parameters, static power, children, disturbed posture

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