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Martin Zvonar1, Martin Vavacek2, Dusana Cierna2

1Masaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies, Kinesiology department, Brno, Czech Republic
2Komenius University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Track and Field department, Bratislava, Slovakia

Temperature Changes on the Foot during Pregnancy Affected by Wearing Biomechanical Shoes

Sport Mont 2016, 14(1), 3-6


Introduction: Everyone needs to walk; however, many people have problems with walking caused by non-standard condition or function of their feet, which in some cases can be easily recognized by thermography methods. The question is which internal actors can influence plantar temperature. 20 pregnant women from Czech and Slovak Republic in early stage of pregnancy, aged from 24 to 38 years old were included in the research. In this research, we followed the course of temperature-rested feet and feet after exercise for pregnant mothers in the different trimesters of pregnancy. Our task during the experimental research was to verify the functionality of special shoes. When we examined the temperatures of left and right sole in pregnant women, we noticed significant differences between right and left leg on 1 % level of statistical significance. Body weight gain is directly proportional with increased pressure on future mother’s sole. Increased body weight and pressure on the sole connected with it increases blood flow of the tissue. More blood flowing increases the friction and the temperature of the sole. Surprisingly, from second to third trimester we noticed decrease in temperature after walking.


Orthopaedic insoles, biomechanical shoes, pregnancy, thermography

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